• Job seeker

    By simply sending us your CV through email, our company will match you with suitable job according to your requirement and qualifications. With one email, you will be able to reach our employees, urging to hire talents to join their company.

  • Employer

    If you are interested in our recruitment service provided, you can contact us through email or phone. After knowing the background and structure and recruiting requirement of your company, our team will search and provide your company with high quality employees accordingly.



We are not just about filling vacancies but trying all of out best to match suitable candidate. By understanding our job seekers and employers, we ensure that they could find what’s right and suitable for them.

CENTURY ON HR Consultancy Limited is an executive recruitment firm and has grown to meet our clients’ needs and deliver national and regional services from offices in Hong Kong and China. We provide agency services through the employment website that connects consultants with client facing opportunities by attracting seasoned professionals and matching them with relevant career opportunities.

Our Services

Job seeker

By simply sending us your CV through email, our company will match you with suitable job according to your requirement and qualifications. With one email, you will be able to reach our employees, urging to hire talents to join their company.



If you are interested in our recruitment service provided, you can contact us through email or phone. After knowing the background and structure and recruiting requirement of your company, our team will search and provide your company with high quality employees accordingly.


Phone: (852) 36789424
Email: info@centuryonehr.com
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